about Paul Benney

Paul Benney lives and works in Brooklyn, N.Y.  He studied Theater Arts and Dance at U.C. Santa Cruz and co-directed OnSite Dance Company in San Francisco with Jessica Lutes for twelve years before moving to New York in 2002.  He was a Movement Research Artist in Resident in 2003, and he continues his performance related work with TRYST, a collaborative arts group based in New York.

His collage practice began in earnest when he moved to NYC. Inspired by the changing visual landscape of the city, a desire to explore new neighborhoods, and a love of composition, he started photographing and collecting visual detritus such as menus, newspapers, and maps. He makes collage as a way to both catalogue and transpose into his environment by reinterpreting this visual information.

He is a Gym Teacher and Coach at St.Ann’s School in Brooklyn.

                                                   to contact paul:     



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